Monday, February 10, 2014

My Love Letter to my Mother

I just stumbled upon this letter I wrote for my mother a while back to celebrate her birthday. She raised me alone, by herself. To the standards set by the world we were very poor. But we had Love. And we had each other. In my eyes, we were rich beyond exception.
"Happy Birthday To my Wonder Mother,
As a child, the world was a very unpredictable place. The wilderness of humanity was not to be trusted but to be feared. People came and went like shadows. Our true refuge was not to be found in the physical world but were acquired through constant vigilance, autonomy, Love, Faith and solidarity. To survive, you had to keep moving. And move we did.

Just as all children are born sensitive, we are also equally thrown into an insensitive world. Consistently scathed by other's hurts and brokenness we are reassured and encouraged to be strong. Eventually, one either becomes more acclimatized and united with the callousness of humanity, or they become better at concealing the wound.

Luckily for me, God gave me a Guardian.

This Guardian was very special and different. Not only would this Guardian stand vigilant and watch over me, she would join me in my daily walk. My battles were never endured alone. Along side me she would Fight, Defend, Provide and Protect. The wars were never fought individually, but side by side.

My Guardian was also my Teacher. Cultivating in me the habit of Gratitude, Humility and Self Control. She helped me gain knowledge and understanding of the Lord's scripture. In life lessons I was allowed to try and make errors, and try again. My Teacher was patient and kind.

This Guardian was also my Joy. She opened up my world to Laughter and Dreams and filled our home with Music and Singing. Artistic and creative expression was encouraged and cherished. Although to the world we would look silly, she never once made me feel anything but Wonderful.

This Guardian was a Role Model. Leading by example she taught me to always Work Hard and be Independent. Any pity-party was quick and short lived. There was no Dignity or Worth in being the victim and feeling sorry for yourself. She taught me that no matter what life had in store you always had a Choice. The choice to be Kind. The choice to Forgive. The choice to Change your circumstances. The choice to maintain Self-Control and Humility. And ultimately, the choice to Love and be Kind to others.

My Guardian was my Minister. By her Words and Testimony I learned of the abounding and unconditional Love of God. I was read scripture and taught the lessons of Christianity. She encouraged my Spirit by reassuring me that God wasn't so much concerned with whether or not I was perfect, but that I was always Trying. I was taught that according to the Lord, I am loved and good-enough just as I Am.

Words cannot express my Gratitude for this Guardian that I was blessed with. She is my Mother, my Friend, my Defender and Protector. Although she does not realize her full Meaning and Value, I do. I am blessed with the vision and personal experience of her Life and Love. These are the most Precious of gifts, and I am eternally grateful to God for them.

I love you Annie. God Bless you and keep you.

Love, Mandy"
Bootsy xoxo


  1. The Steinbeck quote really moves me, because I often wonder how many people have looked at my mother and have really recognized and appreciated the shear magnitude of what she came from. And what she overcome. As I grow older my sentiment and gratitude grows for my mother as I realize what true hardship must have looked like. And even though I may have had slight glances and illustrations of it's adversities, from my own, unaffected eyes, I will never entirely grasp the meaning or true understanding of what she endured.

  2. That's lovely Mandy.
    There are many people who are overlooked in this world, which is very sad for among them are kinds hearts and gentle souls with quiet strength, just like Carol Ann. I'll try to keep that quote in mind as I go through my day interacting with people.

  3. Wow... thank you!! I try to do the same with people I encounter daily. I try to remind myself that I really have no idea what storms they may be facing in life. In essence, I think it mostly serves as a reminder to be kind to others :)

    Thanks for your comment!
